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CIT Stakeholder Engagement Framework

CIT is committed to delivering high-quality, accessible and future-focused vocational education and training, to build the profile of the ACT workforce and support Canberrans' lifelong learning.

Every day, our teaching and professional services teams engage with people and organisations who have an interest in who we are and what we do. The quality of these relationships determines how well we design and deliver our services.

Building and sustaining effective partnerships, and collaborating with industry and the community, is essential to implementing skills-led solutions, improving students' opportunities and outcomes, and meeting industry needs.

Download the CIT Stakeholder Engagement Framework (PDF 1.8Mb)

Purpose of this framework

The framework guides our investment in and approach to stakeholder engagement, to ensure the best outcomes for the ACT's economy and community.

Who we are

CIT is the ACT's public provider and cornerstone of the vocational education and training system.

Who our stakeholders are

Our stakeholders are those who inform and are affected by the decisions we make, and the services we design and deliver.

Why we engage

CIT is an integral part of the ACT community and, as the public provider of vocational education and training, is uniquely-placed to contribute to the prosperity and sustainability of Canberra's future.

However, we cannot achieve this vision alone. We engage purposefully with stakeholders to:

  • identify and leverage collaboration opportunities and partnerships
  • consider diverse perspectives to ensure buy-in
  • enable access, diversity and inclusion
  • design and deliver effective and efficient policies, programs and services.

Our approach

  • is aligned to our Strategic Compass Futures 2025 and broader ACT Government policies
  • responds to industry, economic and community development needs
  • is structured and responsive, and includes expert and community-based representation embedded in our governance structure
  • is evidence-based to ensure leading practice approaches and measurable outcomes
  • is underpinned by ACT public service values and signature behaviours: respect, integrity, collaboration and innovation.

Principles of engagement


Levels of engagement

CIT engages in different ways to meet a range of needs. The following table1 provides guidance on the various levels of engagement and our commitment to stakeholders.


1. Adapted from: International Association for Public Participation (IAP2). (2007). IAP2 Public Participation Spectrum.


What can we offer?

CIT is ready to work with you to identify training pathways and areas for business growth through innovative training solutions.

As a self-accrediting institution, CIT is well-placed to work with stakeholders to design and deliver tailored courses to address current and emerging skills needs.

Find out how a partnership with CIT can help assist you by contacting IndustryEngagement@cit.edu.au